About the LRCT

The LRCT was founded in october 1998 with the intention of bringing together the many Land Rover owners on the island of Terschelling. (There are over 200 Land Rovers on this small island with a population of about 4700).

Since the start the number of members has steadily increased. LRCT is not a general 4x4 club and specialises in Land Rovers only.


Early january there is an annual New Years Meeting at a remote part of the beach. Hot cocoa and snacks are being served.

Over the year several club trials are organised where members can test their off-road driving skills.

Very popular is the night trial called “Blik in de Nacht” during the winter. This event leads through the remote and especially wet parts of the island and, on average, takes upto four to six hours. Many marital bonds and other relations are stretched to the limit that night...


Every other year the LRCT invites it’s members, fellow Terschellingers and the many tourists to come to the “Dag van de Land Rover”. A Land Rover party for the whole family with stands, catering, clubshop, etc. It’s even possible to ride along over the off-road track in a Land Rover. This is where many kids catch the “Land Rover bug”.


The LRCT is also the representative of the many members who enjoy driving their Land Rover on the beach during the wintertime. This is the beachcombing season or “jutten” as it is called in dutch. Jutten has always been an important part of life for the Terschellingers. In the old days, washed asshore goods like timber, barrels, ropes etc. were an important addition to the low incomes.

Nowadays there is more and more pressure on this kind of use of the beach by motorised vehicles from several lobbies. To be compared with the greenlaning problems/discusion in the UK.


With 240 members the LRCT is one of the four major Land Rover Clubs in The Netherlands.